*meaning there's lots of swearing today.
Our office is rife with swearing. From the top down. I think I learned how to swear at my office. (Well, no, that's not true, but for someone's sake I'll say that's where I learned to swear.)
To get to the point, I've been working with the perfect storm of frustrations lately. AutoCAD 2010, the worst software update since Vista, drawings on another office's drive, and rain (which slows working on another drive down to an even worse level.) The trifecta of crappy circumstances one could argue. Last night these three items led me to put forth such a string of profanities that I was reprimanded by a co-worker for my language. I decided to install the swear jar in our area, just for our team.
Last night's conversation of what words would be banned and what their use would cost told us how difficult this would be. "Can I say 'effing?" "No." "Well shit. Wait, no Damn. Wait, Crap."
Today we collected $6.50. But it's for the Haitians (said like Cher from Clueless.)
My first infraction today occurred before i even made it to my desk. I was at a friend's desk, and I said fuck. She looked at me (she knew about the jar" and by her look I realized what I'd done. Was my reaction to keep my mouth shut? No. my reaction was to go, "oh shit, fuck." She called my team upstairs to let them know I owed $1.25 before I sat down to work. We got much better as the day went on. I think this is going to be VERY good for us.
My baby swears.......
Interesting that Jesus Christ is considered worse than God Damn. I agree, but why is that?
Now why the Fu$k would you do somethign like this?? :)
jesus christ is a curse?
oh the way we say it - it is.
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