Sunday, March 1, 2009

Leslie got a job

which means we can move. 

i actually can't wait to move.  i love this apartment for what it is- but am tired of the drawbacks.  

i want an apartment where i have a real closet.  i can't wait for a real closet. 
with an oven and a bigger kitchen. (i know, i don't cook- but it would be nice to have the option.)
with heat.
with screens on the windows. 
with a bathroom that doesn't have an unpainted patch on the wall from when our landlord had mold removed. (at least the wall has been patched.  we went several months with a plastic tarp taped over the area until he finally got a drywaller in to do the patch.)
one that doesn't have random leaks and flood problems.
and one where maybe, just maybe- we could have a washer and dryer.
one where my bedroom is large enough for a queen sized bed. (i need a new bed but i've been putting it off til we move- because if my bedroom is large enough for a queen sized bed, i want it.)
and having someplace grown up.  i want to live in a grown up apartment. 

things i'm going to miss:  my view,  our street,  how cool our apartment stays through most of the summer, and  well right now, even as much as i love this apartment... i so desperately want to move that i'm having a hard time coming up with a list of the things i love. 

i want to start packing already.


Elaine said...

yes, apartments that remind me of college are not my cup of tea either.

having a washer/dryer is the biggest convenience ever. laundromats are the devil, never put yourself through that again!

good luck in the search!!!

knittergran said...


But I sure loved that apartment you're in...