Sunday, August 10, 2008


My friend Joelle and I met an interesting gentleman the other day
named cowboy. He's 66 and has been living in California since he was
18. He's a poet, but other than that I'm not sure what he did to
support himself for real. He's a regular at the dive bar we went to,
and I think he likes meeting the people who wander in there randomly.

Anyway, he started telling the story of how he ended up in California
at 18. The Air Force stationed him here and he called his sister and
said, "if there's a god he made a huge mistake. I was never meant to
be born and raised in Detroit. I was always meant to be in Californ-i-

That's how I feel everytime I dye my hair. I was never meant to have
mouse brown hair. I was always meant to be a redhead. There's a
personality that goes along with being a redhead. I blame it on
childhood exposure to Anne of Green Gables.

Thank goodness for dyes in a box and the fact that the hair color I
love looks natural on me. Later today I'm going to have to return my
hair to it's intended color.


Elaine said...

he sounds like the LA version of Kramer. I love meeting people like that. No 9-5. I envy them.

I hear you on the red hair. Red hair on you looks gorgeous. I, for one, can't imagine not being a brunette.

soniasax said...

cowboy sounds like a trip. gotta love the barflies with stories to tell.
and yes, hair dye rocks. you don't feel mousy brown, and i don't feel old enough for grays. thank goodness for chemicals.

knittergran said...

What's a dive bar?