Tuesday, June 9, 2009

this test will be the death of me

"if greater than 50% imperviousness has implemented a stormwater management plan that reduced pre-developed 1.5-year/24-hour rate and quantity discharge by 25% of the annual stormwater load falling on the site. (This is based on actual local rainfall unless the actual exceeds the 10-year annual average local rainfall-then use the 10-year average.) This mitigation can be through a variety of measures including perviousness of site, stormwater retention ponds, capture of rainwater for reuse or other measures."

do i know what the pre-developed 1.5-year/24-hour rate and quantity discharge information is?  do i know what that information will look like?  no.  but i'll memorize the above section for the test.  the book is 2 3" binders.  they talk about teachers teaching to the test.  well here's one student who will be studying to the test.

i spent $49.95 on online practice tests that i can log into and take as many times as i want before the test.  i scored a 25%.  

the test is 80 questions, and they don't actually tell you what each question is weighted, or how the scores are figured, but if you get above a 170, you pass.  so with the practice tests you have to aim for an 80%.  so- here's to bringing up my score 55% in the next 17 days.  

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